Anglicko-český slovník
sentence (noun) - věta (trest, rozsudek, odsouzení)
United Kingdom: [ˈsentəns]
United States: [ˈsentəns]
Příklady použití:
- The introductory paragraph includes the sentence.
- The introductory paragraph includes this sentence.
- The first sentence in the paragraph is flatly false.
- The last sentence of the third paragraph is unfinished.
- Masterly simplification of the last sentence is of the opening paragraph.
- The above sentence in the second paragraph needs corroboration.
- The change to the second sentence renders the paragraph incoherent.
- The wording of the first sentence is funny.
- The' was the first word in the sentence and was uncapitalized.
- The sentences are too long, and the language is pompous.