Anglicko-český slovník
jealous (adjective) - závistivý (žárlivý)
United Kingdom: [ˈdʒeləs]
United States: [ˈdʒeləs]
Příklady použití:
- Besides the aristocracy was jealous of the Serbs.
- Some people are jealous of their sisterhood.
- She is jealous of her pretty friend.
- By the way, I'm jealous of the ham in the photo above.
- Charlie is the favorite of his landlady, and the other boarders are jealous.
- Danny is jealous and throws Marcos in the water with a life preserver.
- In the novel, she is overweight, jealous, and resentful of Helen's success.
- The oratorio emphasizes the sexual jealous and the sexual fidelity of spouses.
- Betty just thinks her friend is jealous and is impervious to the revelation.
- Fallon notices the rapport between them and becomes petulant and jealous.