Anglicko-český slovník

duplex (adjective) - obousměrný (duplexní, dvojitý, dvojdomek, dvojpodlažní byt)
United Kingdom: [ˈdjuːpleks]
United States: [ˈduːpleks]
Příklady použití:
  • The property includes ruins of the cutting and duplex buildings.
  • The duplex and the region are synonymous.
  • 'The Duplex', built in 1923, is the youngest of the homes on the block.
  • He invented the duplex connection of telegraphic transmission.
  • I agree that by the 1890s the duplex was old technology.
  • The home was changed to a duplex in order to qualify for the loan.
  • Duplex soils are categorized based on the color of the sub soil.
  • Joseph Barker Stearns was the inventor of the duplex system of telegraphy.
  • Skyler owns and lives in a duplex in the CARAG neighborhood of Minneapolis.
  • Duplex slide rules often duplicate some of the scales on the back.