Anglicko-český slovník

animal (noun) - zvíře (živočich, zvířecí, živočišný)
United Kingdom: [ˈænɪml]
United States: [ˈænɪml]
Příklady použití:
  • There is a variance in species of animals.
  • The dog was the only domesticated animal.
  • His primary predilection among animal is a dog.
  • Dogs swill blood rapaciously from the wounded animals.
  • Cow dung is the waste of bovine animal species.
  • The color of the body of the animal in this species is pale gray.
  • The name of the species refers to the nose shape of the animal.
  • The swimmer then grabs onto the dog, and the animal tows the swimmer to shore.
  • The carousel consisted of hand carved horses and animals standing two abreast.
  • A whelp is a young wolf, dog or other animal, and also an impudent youth.